We all know it's illegal and we all know how dangerous it can be, yet it's still something we all probably do: Looking at our phone, sending a text, or doing something else that takes our eyes off the road while we're behind the wheel. But starting today, various law enforcement agencies all across Minnesota are cracking down on distracted driving.

According to BringMeTheNews.com, nearly 300 Minnesota police agencies are taking part in the 6-day effort to call attention to the dangers of multi-tasking while behind the wheel. 

The story notes that "In Minnesota, it’s illegal for drivers to send a text or email or access the Internet while the vehicle is part of traffic – meaning drivers shouldn’t be reaching for their phone while waiting at a red light. But texting and driving isn’t the only distraction drivers face. Adjusting music, eating or drinking, reading, among other tasks can cause drivers to take their attention off the road, which can be dangerous or even fatal."

The Minnesota Department of Public Safety offered up these sobering stats on distracted driving:

  • At 55 miles per hour, texting and driving is like traveling the length of a football field without looking up.
  • The result of distracted driving can be devastating as it contributes to one in four crashes, 64 deaths and 234 serious injuries each year.
  • Preliminary numbers show that distraction was a factor in 16,900 crashes in 2014, resulting in 56 deaths and 165 serious injuries.
  • More than 86,000 crashes were distracted driving-related from 2009 – 2013. That equals 25 percent of all crashes.

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