I'm guessing it's only because it has a few bulbs are burned out, but the result always makes me think this Don't Walk sign is being rude to me.

Is this Don't Walk sign flipping me the bird?(CSJ/TSM-Rochester)
Is this Don't Walk sign flipping me the bird?(CSJ/TSM-Rochester)

I was out trying to get my 10,000 steps in the other day (which has become an obsession of mine, ever since I got a FitBit a month or so ago), and was walking along 1st Avenue in downtown Rochester.

When I got to the corner of 1st Avenue and 4th Street, which is usually pretty busy, the light was green for the other direction, so I was waiting for my turn to walk across 4th Street. It was then that I first noticed the Don't Walk sign above.

Now, if you look closely, there appear to be a few bulbs burned out (if, in fact, LED's burn out) above the ring finger on the familiar Don't Walk illuminated orange hand. But, after having noticed this sign a few times in the past week, it always looks like -- at least when you first glance at it, anyway -- that the sign is giving me the finger.

It's not, of course, and upon closer inspection, the burned out bulbs more accurately appear to be making the motion one makes when you show off a wedding ring on that finger. Either that, or maybe the sign is merely bending the ring finger. Either way, I'm guessing it's NOT giving me a rude gesture.

But every time I see it, however, the first thing that pops into my mind is how that Don't Walk sign is actually flipping me off. What does it look like to you? Is it giving me the finger, or is it just me?

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