I was minding my own business Tuesday morning, on a bike ride along the Cascade Trail in northwest Rochester when I spotted him. Well, it's more like I smelled him, that is.

Yes, it was Mr. 'Way Too Much Cologne' Wearer-- a guy wearing so much cologne (or after-shave, or both) that I could smell him almost half-block away as I made my way toward the Dan Abraham Healthy Living Center. Now THAT'S a lot of cologne. It's one thing to smell a guy who's splashed on a ton of cologne when you're in an enclosed area, like the check-out line in the store or maybe when you're at the gym.

But outside? And in a fleeting glance as I rode by on my mountain bike in downtown Rochester? That's a lot of cologne, alright. Geez, buddy, maybe back off on the body spray, would ya? It reminds me of this classic Bud Lite commercial from awhile ago...

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