It's seriously on another level! The 90's are back, and Samm and Val feel a little self conscious about it.

Did you notice the latest trends? Probably not, because you've seen them before! In, like, 1998! Hanson is back, Florida Georgia Line are teaming up with The Backstreet Boys!? The 90's are definitely back, and it's a little weird.

That's what Val and Samm are whining about in this week's edition of Whine Time! Check it out.

Yeah, don't worry, we feel really old now too. Maybe we can convince the Spice Girls to come back too?? One can only hope!

Side note: WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP BOMBING WHINE TIME!? We fear that Curt St. John has started a trend!

What should we "whine" about next week, guys? Feel free to post your suggestions in the comments below or reach us on Facebook anytime!

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