You won't believe just how low the mercury dropped when Minnesota recorded its lowest temperature ever.

Sub-Zero Temperatures Put Mid-West Into Deep Freeze
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We're shivering through another cold morning here in Minnesota, with low temperatures near 5 or 6 below across our area. And while that's cold, it's not even CLOSE to the coldest temperature in state history.

According to the Climate Extremes page on the Minnesota DNR website, we've certainly seen our share of cold mornings. Like on February 3rd, 1989, when it was 22 below. Or January 18, 1994, when the mercury dropped to 26 below.

Or even just a few years ago, in January 6, 2014, when it hit 31 below up at Grand Marais, on Minnesota's North Shore.

But all those pale in comparison to the coldest ever recorded temperature here in the Land of 10,000 (Frozen) Lakes: Try 60 degrees below zero. Now THAT'S cold! That recording-setting temperature was recorded on February 2nd, 1996, near Tower, about 4 and a half hours north of Rochester, near Lake Vermillion. And that's number is the actual air temperature, not the wind chill reading.

So, yeah, while it's been pretty cold here across southeast Minnesota recently, it ain't nothin' compared to that all-time low!

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