Not long ago we were discussing what girls wanted from guys on dates. Now the tables are turned! Here's what guys wish girls would do on dates. Ladies, guys are WAY more simple than we are. 

Remember when the ladies were asked what they'd like to see from a man on a date? Well, here's some tips from guys on what they'd like to see on a date!

1.  Make a definite first move to establish whether you're doing a handshake, a hug, or a kiss on the cheek. As they say in Hitch:

2.  This one cracked me up! Cut him some slack if the conversation is a little slow at first . . . he's a dude, and the second date should be better.

3.  Offer to pay even if he refuses to let you. Offering shows that you are interested enough in him to pay, PLUS it shows you're not a princess expecting he pay for the tab!

4. Compliments! Women aren't the only ones that deserve and need to hear compliments. You think his shirt is awesome, TELL HIM!!

5. "Disagree with us! Quiz us. Debate us." Most girls are too willing to jump on the "I agree with everything you are saying" train simply to impress him! It's not worth it. You're not going to agree with everything he's saying so don't pretend you do! Conversations are much more interesting this way.

5.  Don't talk badly about your ex. Talking crap is a big red flag! It can mean one of two things: "he's crazy" = I'm the crazy one! OR, I'm not afraid to talk crap about someone to a complete stranger. You'll be date conversation for the next person....

6.  This goes hand in hand with number 5.... If he's divorced, don't ask about it until at least the third date.

7. Touch his arm to show you're interested! Men are so much more simple than we are! They just want confirmation that you are vibing with them.

8.  If he calls you after the date and you're interested, ANSWER - a phone call means he's REALLY interested.

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