Sorry mom... 

My poor mom! I will never forget the sheer look of horror on her face in the middle of the Mall of America.

It was my 13th birthday, and I was a snot (like WAY worst than I am now)! She woke up very ill that day and tried to bail on my birthday trip to the mall. I, of course, in my awful teenage form, gave her the guilt trip. My mom, being the awesome human that she is, let me have my way so my birthday wasn't ruined.

She let us girls do our thing and walk around, while she just sat there on a bench looking green. All of a sudden, she got up so fast and ran to a nearby garbage can. She was THAT sick!

I will never forget that moment. I felt like the worst human on the planet. Thankfully she's forgiven me in the past 15 years...


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