A New Survey Says THIS Is The Best Craft Brewery in Minnesota
A new national survey has just ranked the best craft breweries in every state. Guess which one tops the list here in Minnesota?
The gang at Thrillist has compiled a list of best craft breweries in each state. And, here in Minnesota, our craft beer scene is AMAZING!
Heck, I'm from Wisconsin-- home of the Brewers, mind you-- and even I think Minnesota's craft breweries are way out in front of Wisconsin's (though, there are some really good breweries back home, too.).
But which one did they say is the best here in the Land of 10,000 Lakes? Why, that'd be Surly Brewing in Minneapolis, of course. Surly's pretty much the grand-daddy of craft brewing here in Minnesota, so I'm not surprised-- and I love Surly Furious and Xtra Citra!
Back in Wisconsin, the survey says New Glarus Brewing is the best craft brewery. Their beers are only available in Wisconsin, and their Spotted Cow is a statewide favorite (though I like their Moon Man Pale Ale a bit better.) As a side note, remember when THIS Maple Grove bar was busted illegally selling Spotted Cow here in Minnesota?!
Down in Iowa, the survey says Toppling Goliath, based in Decorah, is the best and I don't disagree there, either-- both their Pseudo Sue and Tsunami American Pale Ales are pretty good!
No matter which one is your favorite, you can't go wrong tipping back a tall, cold one, can you? (And you can check their results for the Best Craft Brewery in each state HERE.)