And, The Worst City In Minnesota Is…
A new survey is out and somebody in has to be the lowest rated, right? So which city in Minnesota came in on the bottom?
Well, let's get one thing out of the way right off the bat-- it's not Rochester. Duh, right? Minnesota's Med City not only isn't the 'worst' in Minnesota, we're consistently rated as one of the best cities in which to live, not only here in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, but all across the country.
According to the gang over at 24/ 7 Wall Street, in their comparison of 11 cities in Minnesota (though they don't specifically list which other 10 cities they looked at) the Worst City goes to... St. Cloud.
How'd they come up with that conclusion? Well, the study looked at 37 measures within eight main groups: crime, economy, education, environment, health, housing, infrastructure and leisure. And St. Cloud performed the worst-- at least in those categories, anyway.
The study said, "Of the 11 Minnesota cities considered, St. Cloud has the highest poverty rate. More than one in five St. Cloud residents live below the poverty line, over double the state's 9.9 percent poverty rate. The city also has the state's highest annual unemployment rate, which at 4.1 percent is higher than the statewide rate of 3.9 percent . St. Cloud is also the only city in Minnesota to be losing residents faster than it is attracting them," it noted.
Sounds a little harsh, if you ask me, although I guess I don't know too much about Minnesota's Granite City. Heck, my only two connections to St. Cloud are when I once interviewed for a job at a radio station there (I was offered the job but turned it down), and the fact that our cat, Finn, was originally found as a stray in Stearns County before he somehow ended up here in Rochester at Paws and Claws Humane Society.
Do you agree with their results?
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