"Get a rush while you brush!" This is the most brilliant invention EVER!!!

Are you one of those people that struggle every morning before you get your coffee fix? Walk around like a zombie for an hour until the coffee kicks in? Well, struggle no more. According to the creators of Power Toothpaste, you will feel the energy in a matter of 10 seconds!!! "Power Toothpaste doesn't deliver a megablast of caffeine, but provides a subtle buzz, increasing focus and alertness, all without a crash."

Power Toothpaste Indiegogo.com Dan Merepol
Power Toothpaste Indiegogo.com
Dan Merepol


"90 cups of coffee can cost up to $260. A single tube of Power Toothpaste contains 90 brushes, each of them comparable to a cup of coffee, for the price of $15 with free shipping. Power Toothpaste is $245 cheaper, allowing users to stay energized while saving money" USA Love List.

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