Curt’s Attempt To Win the Rochesterfest Ice Cream Eating Contest
It happened Monday night at Rochesterfest, during the PossAbilities Ice Cream Social. It was me, up against several other media folk. So how'd it turn out?
Well, let's just say 'attempt' would be the operative word, when it comes to me trying to claim victory in the annual contest. Suffice it to say, though, it didn't happen.
While I gave it the 'ol college try, as it turns out, I was no match for Steve Lange, of Rochester Magazine. He downed that bowl of ice cream so quickly, I didn't even know what happened.
I do know this-- it was cold! Now, ordinarily, me eating ice cream is an easy proposition. I do it all the time, and fairly quickly, too.
But in this contest, of course, you're not allowed to use your hands. So, you head face-first into the bowl of delicious, vanilla Kemps Ice Cream and try to inhale as quickly as you can.
While I do feel some shame-- I'm from America's Dairyland, after all-- I have to hand it to Lange. He was determined. In fact, that's him to my right in the above photo. Check it out: That's James Rabe from Y-105 FM, me, Lange, and Francisco Almenara-Dumur from KTTC.
We're all smiling-- except for Lange. He's already got his game face on. No wonder he won. All in all, it was a fun time. Many thanks to PossAbilities and Rochesterfest for asking me to take part. (I'll do better next year!)
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