Curt’s Warm Weather Weekend in Five Pictures
Could there have been a weekend with better weather?!? We tried to get outside and enjoy by hitting the deck, the trail, and the garden!
Outside of that line of showers and storms that blew through late Saturday afternoon, we had some pretty decent weather this weekend! We kicked things off Friday by finally getting our deck fully set-up for the season-- we hauled our sun umbrella out of the garage and installed it on the patio furniture set (We also may have enjoyed a few adult beverages on said deck too...).
We also got out the bikes this weekend and instead of hitting our usual favorite (the Cascade Lake Trail), we instead huffed and puffed our way up the Douglas Trail to near Pine Island, getting in a nice 12-mile ride. It's a great trail, that's very scenic (and, fairly flat, too!)
We also finally got our garden all planted for the season, adding tomatoes to our mix of beans, arugula, cucumbers, and egg plant. Now, we just have to find a way to make sure the rabbits don't devour all of them-- like they did last year. (And like they've started to do to one of our hostas in the backyard.)
Hope you had a great weekend-- thanks for checking out my pics!