Did You Know They Still Made These?
Until it landed in our mailbox last week, I didn't even know that our trusted 'ol phone book was still around!
Imagine my surprise last week when I saw all these little packages piled along the mailboxes in our neighborhood. It was enclosed in a plastic bag, so of course, my curiosity got the best of me, and I opened it up.
What was it? Why, it was the favorite of years gone by: the phone book! Well, it was the 'Yellow Book,' to be more specific.
I didn't know they even bothered to PRINT a phone book anymore these days! Who do you know that still looks things up in the phone book?!? It seems to me Google pretty much put a huge dent in the phone book's business model.
I mean, why look something up in the phone book, when you can Google it and not only get the phone number, but a link to the businesses website, the hours its open, and a Google Maps link to their location?
To be fair, the Yellow Book has its own website, too, so it's not just that they're stuck publishing something that I'll bet most of us won't ever use. But I'm amazed that they still go through the time, trouble and expense of printing a hard copy of the phone book.
Do you know anybody who still uses the phone book?!?