It was a requirement on a sign spotted at a construction site in downtown Rochester, but does everyone really follow this rule?


I spotted this sign on a fence at the construction site of the DMC-backed 'Discovery Square' building. It's located right across the parking lot from the Quick Country 96.5 Worldwide Headquarters along 2nd Avenue.

I actually snapped this pic as I was walking along 5th Street, but I noticed similar signs at various other gates too. It lists all the things workers should be wearing to stay safe as they head into the construction site. Most are pretty basic and make sense to me. Hard hats? Sure. Eye protection? Of course. Work boots (with toe protection)? You betcha. Gloves, vests, and fall protection are all also noted as needed safety requirements.

But check out the third item listed on the sign. 'Warm-up stretching' it says. Really?

I mean, sure, it makes sense that one should stretch out before doing anything physical. But in reality, who really does that?!? I guess I haven't watched all that closely when the workday starts (probably because I'm ensconced in the Quick Country studio each morning), but I don't recall too many construction workers rolling out their yoga mats to get a good warm-up stretch in before getting at it each day.

Maybe I'm wrong, though. Maybe there's a big group warm-up stretch going on each morning at construction sites around the Med City. Do any construction workers you know do some warm-up stretching before starting work?

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