1 in 8 women in the United States are going to hear "breast cancer" as a diagnosis.  My mom in Iowa is one of those women.  I've also got a handful of friends who have been blasted with chemo, zapped with radiation, and/or had surgery to remove breast cancer from their bodies as well.  In fact, there was a good 6 months where it seemed like I heard of a new friend in Minnesota being diagnosed every other week.  And most of those individuals found out they had breast cancer because of a routine mammogram.

Nurse Assisting Patient Undergoing Mammogram
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Free Breast Cancer Awareness Health Fair in Rochester, Minnesota on Monday

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and I know you are probably seeing a ton of pink right now but there is one "pink" event you really should attend.  On Monday, October 17th, at 125 Live in Rochester from 1pm - 3pm, show up for the free Breast Cancer Awareness Health Fair!

poster breast cancer awareness month with dove and ribbon
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Here are a few of the speakers, medical professionals, and vendors that will be available:

  • 1pm - Keynote speaker, Hawa Camara, Founder and President of Together Against Breast Cancer,  will be sharing her journey with breast cancer, and her vision for the future supporting those with breast cancer and their caregivers.
  • After the speaker, enjoy the following Wellness Event Booths:
    • Mayo Cancer Education Center
    • Shirley Hackenmiller, RN and Massage Therapist
    • Olmsted Medical Center Breast Center
    • Comfort Health
    • Forte
    • Family Services Rochester
    • Adam Lien,CHt- Clinical Hypnotherapist
    • Emily Thompson- Trauma Informed Nidra Teacher & Rieki Master
    • Laura Meihofer- Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist
    • Active PT
    • Natural Grocers
    • Join The Journey Support Group
    • 125 Live Cancer Programs
    • American Cancer Society- Wendy Kennedy
    • Hawa Camara- Founder of Together Against Breast Cance
    • Radiant Wellness Clinic- Malia Ray,MD

If you know anyone who has been diagnosed with breast cancer or a caregiver of a breast cancer survivor, please share this event with them.  You could even join them!  Learn more at their Facebook event page here.

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Check out these additional resources if you can't make it to the free fair

Before I worked in radio, I actually spent a few years working with cancer survivors with a program through LIVESTRONG and the YMCA.  I sat in rooms with Mayo Clinic professionals and experts in oncology as we talked about opportunities and the research being done when exercise is incorporated into the life of someone who is diagnosed with cancer.

Cancer is also a huge part of my family history and unfortunately, I've heard that word too many times for family members that I love.  I don't want you to miss out on having resources available to you so just in case you can't make it to the fair on Monday, below are a few links with helpful information that I've personally used to learn more and educate myself.

LOOK: Milestones in women's history from the year you were born

Women have left marks on everything from entertainment and music to space exploration, athletics, and technology. Each passing year and new milestone makes it clear both how recent this history-making is in relation to the rest of the country, as well as how far we still need to go. The resulting timeline shows that women are constantly making history worthy of best-selling biographies and classroom textbooks; someone just needs to write about them.

Scroll through to find out when women in the U.S. and around the world won rights, the names of women who shattered the glass ceiling, and which country's women banded together to end a civil war.

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