Another Christmas has come and gone. Have you taken your tree down yet? Disposing of your old tree is such a hassle. Fortunately, there's a way you can get your tree picked up for FREE. Here's how! 

The Boy Scouts are at it again. Every year Troop 21 of Rochester spends a day taking care of your tree, so you don't have to!

The pick-up day this year is Saturday, January 7th.

The troop will come to your house and pick up the tree on your curb! The pick up is for real trees only, and they ask that the tree be bare (no ornaments).

You need to register to get your tree taken care of. How? Email your name and address to trees@t21mn.netThen, on January 7th, make sure to put your tree at the end of your driveway by 8 a.m. 

The troop says that community service projects like this help them learn how to plan and do projects. They don’t expect compensation, but would like you to “pay it forward.”

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