Here’s How To Win Tim McGraw & Faith Hill Tickets THIS WEEK
Thank you, thank you, thank you, to everyone who entered your workday keywords for a chance to win a pair of Tim and Faith tickets! Next week, we're doing this even bigger. We've got three pairs of tickets up for grabs next week, and we're having you "Find The Photo" for a chance to win one. So, three people will each win a pair of tickets beginning Tuesday!
All you've got to do is "Find The Photo" of Tim & Faith hidden in one of our blogs (we'll be hinting as to what to look for) and fill out the form for a chance to win, when you find it. I'll post the first one on Tuesday, Samm will post one on Wednesday, and Curt will post one Thursday. You'll have until 11pm Thursday, October 27th, to enter. We'll draw the three winners the following morning! Good luck!
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