Win Cash Right Now With the Quick Country $10,000 Stimulus Package!
Hoarding is all the rage in the age of Coronavirus. Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, masks: if you've got them, you're hanging on to them tight.We, on the other hand, are giving away our hoard.
We’re doing our part to assist in turning around the economy with the Quick Country $10,000 Stimulus Package, courtesy of All Craft Exteriors. Listen and you could win $1,000 every time we play and up to a $10,000 grand prize.
That's right, we've got dollars to reward you for social distancing, your personal stimulus package, a work-from-home paycheck. Ready to cash in?
How it Works
- Do this right now: set your radio, download our app, or ask Alexa to listen to this station every weekday.
- We'll give you 3 codewords throughout the day - at 9 AM, NOON, and 4 PM. Be sure to listen all day long, because the more codes you enter, the more chances you have to win!
- Enter each word you hear on our station app. Just tap the WIN CASH button on the home screen.
- We'll draw from all correct codeword entries and reward $1,000 every time we play
- And one player will be randomly drawn for the biggest stimulus check anywhere, $10,000 - the more codes you enter, the better your chances
If you've heard some code words and are ready to cash in, enter the winning words here.
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