How Expensive Is It To Have Friends In Rochester?
Like I say all the time, "Adulting is soooooooooo hard!" You have to go to work everyday, worry about bills, try to have a social life and balance a family. Well, I don't have a family yet, so my biggest worries are finances, work, and friends. The other night, my roommate asked me to go to dinner and at that moment, I realized I can't afford friends, which sparked the question, how much does it cost to have friends in Rochester? Well, here's the breakdown I came up with!
Disclaimer: I'm averaging prices at different locations, so take these numbers with a grain of salt. They weren't exact prices.
- Going to the movies: The average movie in Rochester cost around $10.25 (Most common price $11.35)
- Going Bowling: Average $20.99 an hour plus shoe rentals at $3.49
- Going to a Concert: Average ticket $45
- Going to as Twins game: $49
- Going to Get Coffee: Average Cup Of Coffee is around $5
- Going Out For Drinks: The Average Beer $5, Average Mix Drink $9, Average Wine $6
- Going to dinner: Newts average burger is around $12.12, Hefe Rojo average meal cost around $12.86, Whistle Binkies average meal is $11.81
*None of these prices include drinks
Now, these are just a few things to do around town. But think about it, when you go out, you are probably going to do more than one of these things in a night. So your night could cost you as little as $13.00 and as much as $50. None of these prices included gas to travel to these fun events, tip or other costs that come with going out.
So my conclusion... It's very very very expensive to have friends and go out every weekend! But, experiences outweighs the cost because memories are PRICELESS. So go out and live life because you only have one life to live.