If you've found yourself sneezing more lately, or noticed that your nose has been more stuff up, you're not alone. The pollen count here in southeast Minnesota is on the increase.


According to the website, pollen.com, (and who knew there even WAS such a site?!?), the pollen count in Rochester right now is around 7.5, which the sight says is high. But it doesn't end there. The sight says our pollen count is forecast to go even higher, topping out near 9 as we head into the weekend.

Considering the scale only goes to 12, anything at level 9 or above is considered high. In early July, however, our pollen count was only in the low levels. So, we're definitely edging up the scale, which could account for why you've possibly been more uncomfortable lately.

So just what exactly does pollen do? Well, first off, the site says, pollen is defined as "The fine powder that plants release depending on time of the year and the climate. It's spread by the wind, and highly affects your senses if you have allergies."

Right now, it says things like nettles, sagebrush and various grasses are all giving off high amounts of pollen in our area.

And, the site says all that pollen can definitely can make you uncomfortable. "Pollen allergies can trigger allergic reactions, which affect the sinus and respiratory tract of those with this allergy. Symptoms can include watery eyes, runny nose, rhinitis, sore throat, coughing, increased mucous, headaches and asthma," the site says.

So keep the Kleenex handy. You can get the pollen forecast for Rochester HERE.


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