It’s Been 8 Months Since 80 Degrees, Could We Break it This Week?
Has it really been about 8 months since we hit 80 degrees?! That's so sad! I love warm weather if you can't tell. But we might break that streak this week. We could finally hit 80!
Coming up on Thursday it's looking like we could hit 82 degrees which is super exciting. Except that there's a small chance for rain on Thursday... all well, it'll be warm at least!
According to Bring Me the News, the last time we hit 80 (in the Twin Cities at least) was September 17th, 2018. It technically hit 81 in the Cities, and I'm sure it was pretty similar temperature wise here too.
Who else is ready for summer? Since it's finally going to be warm enough to wear sandals again my mom and I are planning our annual pedicures so Mother Nature better cooperate and continue this trend of warm weather.
Hang out with Carly Ross on The Mighty 920 KDHL weekdays 1-5pm!