Recently, the Mall of America announced that an 8-week-old Dutch Shepherd/Belgian Malinois puppy had arrived from Kentucky just last week to be trained as a new addition to the mall's K9 team.

While the pup had the pedigree to be a great addition to the team, the one thing it was lacking at the time was a name. The Mall Of America decided to let the public name the puppy.

They asked for people to submit a "family-friendly," single name that was no more than two syllables. Once the deadline to submit names had passed, the top five names were posted on Mall of America social channels for fans to vote on.

After collecting thousands of entries from the public, the five finalists' names were Archie, Ollie, Rosco, Dash, and Stanley.

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On Thursday, April 13, Mall of America officials announced that the results were in and their new K9 at long last had a name. They shared the winning name on a cute video that was shared through social media.

Congratulations Dash on your name, it's a great one! The soon-to-be new addition to the K9 team will reportedly now spend the next year going through an intense training process before being put on the MOA beat. If you see Dash or any member of the Mall Of America K9 team, mall officials say to remember they are working and to respect their space. They do add, however, that if you ask their handler nicely, they may just let you meet them.

The Mall of America is proud to have a highly trained security department with specialized units including patrol, K9, bike, dispatch, and plainclothes officers. They add that their security team also works closely with local, state, and federal law enforcement officials, especially. Bloomington Police, who have dedicated onsite Mall units.

RANKED: Here Are the 63 Smartest Dog Breeds

Does your loyal pup's breed make the list? Read on to see if you'll be bragging to the neighbors about your dog's intellectual prowess the next time you take your fur baby out for a walk. Don't worry: Even if your dog's breed doesn't land on the list, that doesn't mean he's not a good boy--some traits simply can't be measured.
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KEEP LOOKING: See What 50 of America's Most 'Pupular' Dog Breeds Look Like as Puppies

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