Star Gazing Minnesotans, What Is That Bright Object In The Eastern Sky?
The last couple of mornings as I've made my way to work, I've noticed a bright light up in the sky. At first, I didn't pay too much attention to it, I mean stars are stars, but the light never seemed to move as the mornings ticked by. So I finally looked it up this morning and what I thought was a star, isn't one. It's a planet actually, and what I've been seeing, and probably what you've been seeing is Venus.
What was frustrating about trying to find out what that was in the morning sky was that I kept getting articles that talked about 'an object' in the Eastern sky for the month of January. But I finally found a great website that gave me the answer I was looking for AND more. talked about Venus shining bright during late August and through September, and what other things we might see in the sky, including Mercury making an appearance.
Mercury should be most visible along with Venus on September 22nd, but that won't be the brightest the planet will be in the night/morning sky. states that Mercury will be at it's brightest on or near September 30th, but after that, it won't be as visible, so you've got about 10 days to plan your morning to see Venus and Mercury in the early morning sky.
Other notable happenings up in the sky still this month, Saturn will be visible on September 26th, says "to look low toward the southeast during evening twilight to see the rising waxing gibbous moon and situated about 4 degrees to its upper left you'll see Saturn mimicking a bright 'star' (magnitude +0.5) shining with a yellowish glow."
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