Rochester Schools Cancel, Postpone Testing Amid Presumed Cyber Attack
Rochester, MN (KROC-AM News)- The Rochester Public Schools District is canceling and postponing testing that was planned for this week.

The cancellation and postponement come in the wake of a potential cyber attack. District leaders acknowledged on Monday that an "outside actor" gained access to some school district data.
A statement on the district’s website Wednesday morning indicates MCA testing scheduled for Thursday has been postponed. A makeup date has not yet been announced. All high school students are told to still report to school on Thursday.
ACT testing scheduled for Saturday has been canceled. Students signed up to take the test are advised to immediately log onto their account immediately and check to see if they have a reassignment.
The test cancelation and postponement come after the district had to cancel classes this past Monday to allow district staff to plan for operating classes without “access to major technology systems” and to give the technology staff additional time to investigate and address what was originally termed "irregular activity" on the school district's technology network.
At this point, the school district does not have any evidence that the affected data has been used for financial fraud or identity theft.
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