On Saturday April 9, Kiwanis International Clubs from southeast Minnesota, as well as other civic and church organizations, gathered in Stewartville, Minnesota, to package food for the "Food For Kidz" organization. Approximately 230 people participated in two-hour shifts over a six-hour time frame.  The food packages consist of soy meal, dried vegetables, rice and a concentration of vitamins, mineral and flavor.  Each package contains six meals and is easily cooked with boiling water.

D.Cornell, TSM
D.Cornell, TSM

On this day, over 110,000 meals were packaged to be shipped around the world to locations like Honduras, Haiti, Afghanistan and Iraq, to name a few. There were also close to 5,000 meals of beans and rice packaged and donated to Channel One in Rochester. This has been an annual event for the past thirteen years, and over 1.25 million meals have been packaged during that time frame. As Winston Churchill once said "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give".

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