American Idol aired its Disney Night episode on Sunday (May 1), during which the Top 10 contestants competed by singing Disney songs. To celebrate the theme, judge Katy Perry dressed up as Ariel from The Little Mermaid with red hair, a mermaid tail and even Ariel's fork, or "dinglehopper," as the movie character named it. Things were going according to plan during the live show until Perry suddenly took a bit of a tumble, which resulted in an entertaining reaction from Luke Bryan.

While host Ryan Seacrest was addressing the viewers at home, a loud crash was heard onstage, and Seacrest quickly walked forward with a look of concern. The cameras then switched to the judges table, where Perry was laying, fins up, after falling backwards in her chair. While Seacrest and Lionel Richie rushed to help, Bryan, like a true friend, hilariously laughed and pointed at his fellow judge while catching the end of her mermaid tail.

Seconds later, Bryan stood up to help, and the three men hoisted Perry, who was also laughing at the funny situation, back up to her seat. Perry shared a video of her clumsy moment on social media, writing, "swipe to see what almost accidentally killed @lionelrichie," referring to the fork prop.

In addition to posting the video of herself falling, Perry also shared some behind-the scenes moments of what it took to get her into the lifelike mermaid tail. In one video, Perry is seen sitting on the floor while a crew of people work to put the costume on her. The singer also shared a few backstage photos, including one of Bryan carrying her. Also included in the post is a humorous clip of Bryan and Richie wheeling Perry onstage using a dolly to seemingly avoid a fall like the one she sustained later in the show.

Season 20 of American Idol airs Sunday and Monday nights at 8PM ET on ABC. A new winner will be crowned during the season finale on May 22.

Country 'American Idol' Stars Who Disappeared

We cheered for them. We voted for them. We followed them. Then, these seven American Idol stars vanished. Or, at least it seems like it.

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PICTURES: See Inside Carrie Underwood's Beautiful Post-'American Idol' Home

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