Mayo Appt Kiosks

Checking in for your appointment just got a whole lot easier. Instead of waiting in line to check in with the receptionist, you can now go straight to the kiosk. You'll start seeing more of these appointment kiosks throughout the Rochester Mayo clinic and hospital locations in early May. According to the Post Bulletin, "these kiosks will work with the new patient online portal that is firing up as a part of the massive Epics Systems transition on May 5th."

No, this isn't a sign that jobs are being replaced by computers. Rest assured, these kiosks will not be replacing employees, but instead assisting them. Also, you do not have to use the kiosk to check in. Employees will still be on hand to assist you.

With this new transition, you will also be able to start the check in process at home to make it even quicker. According to a Mayo Clinic brochure you can do it at home up to seven days before your appointment by using the new eCheck-In feature in Patient Online Services.

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