Minnesota Has Smallest Drug Problem in the U.S.
If there's one category Minnesota would like to be LAST in, this might be it-- and, as luck would have it, we ARE last in the country.
That category would be drug use. And while drug abuse and addiction is still a problem here, the Land of 10,000 Lakes looks pretty good compared to other states. Because according to a new survey from the gang over at WalletHub, Minnesota ranks last in the country when it comes to drug use and abuse.
According to the WalletHub survey, Minnesota has the smallest drug problem out of all fifty states and the District of Columbia, coming in at #51 overall on the survey. Their study looked at 22 different statistics, ranging from arrest and overdose rates to opioid prescriptions and employee drug testing laws, and ranked each state accordingly.
And Minnesota scored pretty well, both overall, and in many of the individual categories too. For instance, we scored near the bottom in 'adults and teen who've used illicit drugs in the past month', as well as 'opioid pain reliever prescriptions per capita'.
Meanwhile, things looked similar back in my home state of Wisconsin, too-- though not quite as good as here in Minnesota-- coming in at #43 overall. And our neighbors to the south in Iowa looked pretty good, too, ranked right behind Wisconsin at number 42. You can read the entire survey HERE.
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