Minnesota State Senator is Thankful for the Expert Medical Care She Is Receiving at Mayo Clinic in Rochester

When we have Mayo Clinic down the street from our house, we sometimes forget how amazing it is to have world-class medical care in our backyard. Even for families within our state, having this resource nearby truly is a benefit but one we don't often realize until we need the experts ourselves. Minnesota State Senator for District 47, Julia Coleman, has been to Mayo Clinic several times for work and to visit family members undergoing medical procedures. Today though, she has a new appreciation for Mayo Clinic as she is now a patient herself.
According to a Caringbridge site that has been set up, Julia Coleman and her family found out that they were expecting twins a few months ago. According to the page, the pregnancy is a rare type called monochorionic diamniotic twins. As the initial journey entry explained, this means is that the babies are sharing one placenta and one connection to Julia and complications could arise for these precious little ones.
Julia is now coming to Mayo Clinic quite often for check-ups and according to her Twitter page, she had one of her first appointments on February 19th. The day was full of emotion and she shared some of those feelings in a few different tweets that day including this one:
I spent years at @MedicalAlley talking about how...amazing @MayoClinic is. Today, however is different. Today I join the tens of thousands of people who travel to Mayo every year filled with hope. Words cannot express how grateful I am we have this institution right here in MN. - @JuliaEColeman
Her words above were posted with a photo of the Mayo Clinic sign that I drive by every day. When I first came to Rochester 20 years ago, I remember driving by that sign in awe and wondering all about the miracles and medical discoveries that were happening behind the walls of the buildings that housed Mayo Clinic. I'll admit though that I've forgotten at times how important this town is for so many who are looking for answers and help.
TO ALL OF US IN ROCHESTER...Next time you are driving around town and notice an out-of-state plate or are walking throughout the downtown area, remember to offer a smile to those who are passing by you with those Mayo Clinic colored day-of-the-week stickers. Maybe even pay-it-forward at the cafeteria or coffee shop in the Subway. We have so many people that are visiting our town, just like Julia, who are here for answers at Mayo Clinic and are going through tough moments in their life, lets remember to show compassion. Sometimes in our own busyness of life, we forget that others are sometimes experiencing some of their hardest moments.
<<HUGS>> Great big virtual hugs to Julia and her entire family as they go through each day hoping and praying for these little ones. I appreciate you being as open as you are and your real-ness in this journey of motherhood, both with your little one you have at home now and the young ones that you are carrying.
You can follow along and offer your support to the Coleman family at their CaringBridge site here.
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We know that Mayo Clinic is one of the biggest employers in Rochester, but do you know who the other 9 are? If not, check out the list below to find out!
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