New Meteorologists On Duty Here in Rochester
An old adage states that the only constant these days is change, and that appears to be true when it comes to Rochester's TV meteorologists.
We'd heard a few weeks ago how KTTC Chief Meteorologist Matt Benz was leaving the Med City and moving east to be with his fiancee in Pennsylvania. (His last night was Wednesday-- if you missed it, you can check it out HERE.)
And now, a new face has popped up on TV screens around southeast Minnesota, as Nick Jansen has stepped into the KTTC Chief Meteorologist role. We were first introduced to Nick in a post on their Facebook page last Thursday. I saw him first on KTTC Monday night. His Facebook page says he's been working as a meteorologist on TV in both Rockford and Peoria, Illinois before heading here to Minnesota.
Meanwhile, across the street (as we say in the media business) here in Rochester, Chris Nelson has been on the job in as the new Chief Meteorologist at KIMT for a couple of months, too. (He moved here from my home state of Wisconsin).
So, welcome to southeast Minnesota, guys! Where-- I'm guessing you've only heard this several thousand times-- if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes and it'll change!
Listen to Curt St. John from 6 to 10 a.m. on Quick Country 96.5
and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on 103.9 The Doc