Oronoco Farm Announces New Mead For Sale
This definitely sounds like it's going to be an amazing treat!
Check out this news from Squash Blossom Farm in Oronoco! This morning, they announced something pretty awesome... if you're into alcohol.
If you're wondering what the heck mead is, Mr. Webster defines it as, "an alcoholic drink of fermented honey and water." Personally, when I have it, it reminds of a wine and beer mix, but it can come in a variety of styles. You can certainly snag some this weekend if you're off to the Minnesota Renassaince Fair too!
You're probably going to see more of this type of alcohol available too. A recent industry report suggested a meadery opens every three days in the US. Most of which have only been open for less than five years.
Would you try this new trend in alcohol?
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