Log rolling, axe throwing, and chainsaw racing are just a few of the festivities you can experience August 5th and 6th.

Photo by andrew welch on Unsplash
Photo by andrew welch on Unsplash

When you read "Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Show" I bet you're imagining a man with a bushy beard and a red plaid shirt hacking away at a big tree. Well, there will be some of that...and a whole lot more. The Scheels location on 12th Street in Rochester will be having a Federal Ammunition Hunting Expo this weekend with lots of interesting activities for the family. In addition to the lumberjack show, there will be a Daisy Range, a bounce house, live music by JT and the Gunslingers, and lots more. For more info on the event, click here.  They've also got a lumberjack look-a-like contest going on here. 

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