Lucas Eggers, a home-schooled Rochester 8th grader, was the 2017 National Geographic Minnesota State Bee Champion. and is now a Top Ten finalist in the 29th annual National Geographic Bee being held now in Washington DC. 

Lucas has been the Minnesota state winner three times now, and last year he rocked his way into the top ten, too!

When I was in school, I really enjoyed geography and looking at maps, but I never went past twirling the globe and dreaming. What drives Lucas? His mom, Tiffany Eggers, explained it...

Lucas says he loves geography because it's not just about maps. It's about real places and real people. It's about culture and the environment and passage of time. It's about understanding who we are and where we live.

Oh, I love that.

A while back I read a book about people around the world and their possessions. It's called Material World: A Global Family Portrait

In an unprecedented effort, sixteen of the world’s foremost photographers traveled to thirty nations around the globe to live for a week with families that were statistically average for that nation. At the end of each visit, photographer and family collaborated on a remarkable portrait of the family members outside their home, surrounded by all of their possessions—a few jars and jugs for some, an explosion of electronic gadgetry for others.

I loved the book because it reminded me of the people outside my world, their traditions, their culture, their value systems. Their families, their hopes, their dreams. Each spot on maps represents exactly what Lucas says. And if it brings us closer to understanding who we are, I say it's one of the best efforts a person can make.

CREDIT: Tiffany Eggers
CREDIT: Tiffany Eggers

The finals are this morning, and once again Lucas will face off against nine competitors. We wish you well, Lucas Eggers!

PS - The whole Geo-Shindig will be taped for television and played live on Friday on the National Geographic Channel.



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