Rochester Is More Tropical Than The Tropics
Our weekend heat wave has certainly made things seem hot and steamy here in southeast Minnesota. But is our weather really more tropical than the tropics?
Well, it just might be. As of Monday morning, according to, the temperature here in downtown Rochester was sitting at a balmy 73 degrees. The humidity was at 89% and the dew point was 73 degrees. (Of course, it's also raining as I'm writing this, so, of course, it's pretty soggy out there.)
My weather buddies once told me that dew point readings in the 60's were considered 'humid' and that anything in the 70's was thought of as 'tropical.' Our dew points over the weekend-- even when it wasn't raining-- were well into the 70's, so, yeah,we're definitely experiencing tropical weather here in southeast Minnesota.
Now, contrast that with the current conditions down in Rio de Janiero, Brazil-- a place known for being in the tropics, right? Well, as of Monday morning, Rio's temperature was only 71 degrees, with their dew point being a downright 'frigid' 68 degrees.
So, to recap: It's currently warmer in Rochester and our dew point is also higher than it is down in the tropics. Which means, yes, Rochester IS more tropical than the tropics. Somebody pass the pina coladas, will ya?!?
Listen to Curt St. John from 6 to 10 a.m. on Quick Country 96.5
and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on 103.9 The Doc