This is the time of year when country stars like to brag about their mom's cooking. Dustin Lynch does one better, he actually helps his mom in the kitchen. He has to, or he wouldn't get to enjoy sausage balls and Christmas cookies.

He says, "I help mom because she hates doing the form work for sausage balls. You know what those are? Bisquick, sausage, and cheese. So I help mom make those." (Not familiar? Here's a LINK to the sausage ball recipe: SAUSAGE BALLS

And if he wants cookies with icing on top, well, he has to chip in there, too. HE SAID, "She hates icing cookies, so I help her with that."

And when he's done, he eats. A lot. Lynch says, "Between her Christmas cookies and sausage balls I think I'm set. And usually sick afterwards."

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