Ah, the dreaded season is upon us. People all around me are sneezing and sniffling, and I'm just waiting for the cooties to get me. While some believe in the "sweating it out" method, many people are glued to the sofa. What is the right way to do it? Should you work out while you're sick? 

An interesting article hit my email this morning. I'm always so hit and miss when it comes to working out while I'm sick. For one, I'm a total baby and don't want to leave my room. Two, after having my nose surgery to avoid sinus infections, things are flowing much better, and some times TOO often (sorry for the disgusting visual... try living it). BUT, there's nothing quite like the feeling of working out - all the good endorphins pumping through your body. So what is it? Should I stay in bed, or hit the gym?

How to know if you should work out:

To make that decision, the most important determining factor - what's wrong with you? According a Hello Healthy article, if you are sick from the neck up you CAN workout. What does that mean? If you have a cold, you're sneezing, sniffling, have a headache etc, it should be ok to work out.

If you are below the neck - cough, aches etc, skip it!

If you have a fever, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting, you should avoid the gym. You are already at risk of dehydration, sweating it out is not what your body needs, rest is!

What exercises can I do while I'm sick?

Even when you meet the "above the neck" guidelines, you shouldn't do your typical kick butt routine. Dial it down, do yoga, a walk or a modified version of your normal routine.


Cooties travel fast. If you can work out at home, do it. Not to mention, if you are on the fence about whether you can or can't workout, the at home routine will help. You can take care of the snot dripping down your face, you're close to the bathroom and your bed is just steps away. It's a win for everyone.


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