Driving in Minnesota winters requires more than just a warm coat! It's about being prepared for the unexpected. A fully stocked winter driving kit is essential for staying safe when the snow starts to fall.
You often see lights in and around homes in Minnesota, but you'll want to call for help if you see a blinking porch light on a house in your neighborhood.
Wallets, purses, even those Lululemon fanny packs teenagers are wearing across their chests...all need to be checked. #AndYesItLooksLikeAFannyPack #YouKnowIAmRight
As Minnesotans, we love to hit the water as much as possible in the warmer months. But when you're out on the water it's really important to pay attention to your kid's swimsuit color for their safety.
Non-stick pans can contain PFAS, forever chemicals, which are also everywhere, exposure to them in everyday life comes from much more than just cookware.