Rochester Police Release Photos of Suspects in Racist VandalismRochester Police Release Photos of Suspects in Racist VandalismRochester Police say the FBI his assisting with the investigation.Andy BrownellAndy Brownell
Rochester State Lawmaker Reports Racist Vandalism to Her HomeRochester State Lawmaker Reports Racist Vandalism to Her HomeThe spray-painted graffiti included swastikas the the letters KKK.Andy BrownellAndy Brownell
Restrooms at Rochester Parks Locked Until Further NoticeRestrooms at Rochester Parks Locked Until Further NoticeCity officials blame the move on vandalism and "extreme messiness."Andy BrownellAndy Brownell
Rochester Cemetery Vandalized on Halloween NightRochester Cemetery Vandalized on Halloween NightSeveral graves were defaced with graffiti. TJ LeverentzTJ Leverentz
Rochester Charter School Reports Vandalism, BurglaryRochester Charter School Reports Vandalism, BurglaryAt least three incidents in past week.Kim DavidKim David