If the old adage about April showers bringing May flowers is true, we're only a few days away from some great blooms. And we now know which flower we like the most here in Minnesota.

One of the many great things about living here in the North Star State is our ability to enjoy four distinct seasons every year. Now while Old Man Winter sometimes seems to overstay his welcome, that wasn't the case this year.

Our relatively mild winter and spring has meant that things are already greening up and some wildflowers have already budded or have already been in full bloom across parts of the Land of 10,000 Lakes. 

ALSO INTERESTING: The Most Snake-Infested Lakes in Minnesota

But when it comes to spring flowers, just which one is the most popular here in the Bold North? Well, thanks to the gang over at Today's Homeowner, we now know. They did survey of Google Trends about spring flowers in all 50 states, and have published the results.

Across the country, daisies appear to be the most popular spring flower, being listed as such in 11 different states. But not here in Minnesota, though. Our most popular spring flower is actually the... lily of the valley. And not just here-- it's also the most popular spring flower in my home state of Wisconsin, too, as well as in New Hampshire and Massachusetts.

A wild Lily of the Valley plant. (Canva)
A wild Lily of the Valley plant. (Canva)

Not knowing a ton about flowers, I thought maybe Minnesota's state flower (which, according to the Minnesota DNR is the showy lady's slipper, or Cypripedium reginae, if you're getting all scientific about it) might be our most popular, but nope.

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As far as I'm concerned, I like just about any flower that, despite my best attempts, will STILL grow and bloom in our garden. (Yeah, I don't have much of a green thumb!) You can check out more about some of the other states' most popular spring flowers HERE.

And if you're looking for some places to check out some of the most scenic wildflowers our fair state has to offer, keep scrolling to check out the most popular state parks in Minnesota!

Today's Homeowner
Today's Homeowner

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Most Visited State Parks In Minnesota: Is Your Favorite in the List?

Minnesota has 75 beautiful state parks. The parks have an average of 9,700,000 visitors each year. Interestingly enough, nearly 19% of park visitors come from other states and countries, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Now, my favorite State Park is Jay Cooke in Carlton, MN, but it did not break into the top 5.

Gallery Credit: Shel B

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