They’re a rite of spring in southeast Minnesota, almost as much as a late-season snowstorm: they’re potholes. So where’s the worst one in Rochester this year?


Actually, given the fairly mild winter we just experienced, this year doesn’t seem to be quite as bad for potholes developing across area roads. But, given the physical science involved with our climate, a pothole-free spring is nearly impossible.

According to website The Pothole Facts, (and who knew there was an entire website devoted to potholes?!?) “Potholes are formed by water, freezing and freeze-thaw cycles, excessive heat, wear and tear – and time.”

Which is exactly what a Minnesota spring does – it warms up, the snow and ice melt, only to refreeze again in the cracks in our roads, which then creates those familiar craters over which we all LOVE to drive, right?

So where’s the worst one you’ve come across this year? I submit the pothole pictured above. It’s located not too far from our house in northwest Rochester, on Seventh Street, just east of Cameron Drive, near the Rochester Montessori School.

As you can see, as of earlier this week, that sucker was deep enough to start filling with water. And, believe me, it’s pretty jarring when your tire slams over it.

So where’s the worst pothole you’ve encountered?

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