This Vikings Star Just Helped A Stranded Motorist
Sure the Vikings season has been over for a few weeks now, but one star of the purple and gold made news last week-- for his moves off the field.
According to a Tweet sent out by Twin Cities sports commentator Larry Fitzgerald Sr., the Vikings' own Adrian Peterson helped push a stranded motorist out of a busy intersection recently.
Now, it didn't happen here in Minnesota, though. Peterson, of course, lives in the off-season in Texas, and according to Fitzgerald, Peterson's act of goodwill happened last week down in Houston.
You can see the picture Fitzgerald tweeted HERE. It shows AP and several other folks helping to push a green pick-up truck up what appears to be a small hill, into a parking lot of what looks like some sort of mall, or shopping center.
We've always knew AP was a monster when came to busting through opposing teams' defenses, and it looks like he's just as powerful a force when it comes to pushing a busted pick-up!
Go, AP!