University of Minnesota Granted Some of the Most U.S. Patents in the World Last Year
A list was recently released by the National Academy of Inventors (NAI) and the Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) of the 2019 'Top 100 Worldwide Universities Granted U.S. Utility Patents'. As you may know, the University of Minnesota does a ton of research and so, not surprisingly, UMN ranked 17th in the world on this list, 9th among U.S. universities.
The University of Minnesota has continued to climb up this list in the ranking. According to the University of Minnesota website, they've continued to climb over the past 5 years from the 50th spot in 2014. This past year the University of Minnesota received 102 U.S. utility patents.
Rick Huebsch is the executive director of UMN Technology Commercialization. He looks at all inventions for "patentability [and] determines market potential." He said that their high rank on the list "'is further testament to the talent of our researchers here'" and that “'It is our mission to bring these discoveries into society and help ensure they benefit the public good.'”
Here are the universities from around the world that beat the University of Minnesota for patents this past year:
16. University of South Florida
15. University of Florida Research Foundation, Incorporated
14. Northwestern University
13. Purdue Research Foundation
12. Arizona State University
11. Harvard College
10. University of Michigan
9. Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation
8. California Institute of Technology
7. Johns Hopkins University
6. Tsinghua University
5. Stanford University
4. King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
3. The University of Texas
2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1. University of California
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