Wait, What? March Is Snowier Than February in Minnesota?
The good news is that we escaped February this year in Minnesota without too many snowstorms. The bad news? More snow usually falls in March than in February!
It's hard to believe, but February-- even though it's smack-dab in the middle of winter-- isn't the month responsible for giving the most snow here in Minnesota. Okay, except for last year, that is, when we Old Man Winter dumped 40 inches of snow on us and set a record for the most snow ever in February!
Even though we didn't get even close to that amount this year, most Minnesotans I've talked to are glad to see the calendar flip over to March. But here's the thing: In Minnesota, March is historically even snowier than February!
That's right. The old saying about March "coming in like a lion" is usually true. Now, even if our first few days of March have been downright spring-like this year, don't put away the snow shovels just yet.
Take a look at these stats: This Weather And Science Facts site says our average snowfall in Rochester in February is usually 8.5 inches. But, in March, it's 8.7 inches!
Sure, we're talking averages here, and a two-tenths of an inch isn't that much. But I'm guessing we can all remember some wet, heavy March snowstorms, right? Many of them during when all the March high school tournaments are taking place.
Regardless of how much snow typically falls in March, the good news is that once we get to Thursday, Spring is only two weeks away. And yes, I'm choosing not to remember the Spring snowstorm of April 16th, 2018 or that freak Spring snowstorm from 2013 that dumped 18 inches of snow on us... on May 2nd!
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