Watch These Rochester Pups Show Off For Treats
Did you know Thursday was #NationalSpoilYourPupDay? We decided to pay some very special attention Rochester pups who attended Thursdays on 1st & 3rd.
Val went to Hyvee and stopped to buy some Dingos dog treats to start her day.
Then, we were on the hunt! We needed to find some dogs to pamper for National Spoil Your Pet Day. Luckily, plenty of local dog owners stopped by. Watch their reaction (and the doggie excitement!) below.
Yeah, I think we needed to be pickier about our choice of treats! Some dogs loved it, and some just plain didn't.
This could've been a "Best In Show" contest! So many different breeds were there!
No matter what the consensus was on the treats, we're happy to have met you guys! For a while anyway, we had great weather this week. We promise to choose better next time.