10 Most Haunted Places in Minnesota that Folks Don’t Realize Have Ghosts
There's nothing like a great ghost story. Minnesota has a lot of hunted places that are fun to go check out if you are looking to see some ghosts. Only in Minnesota put out a list of 10 of the most hunted places in Minnesota that folks don't realize are haunted. If you have been to any of these places and have a story please feel free to share your story inside our station app.
1. Ness Church in Litchfield
The article says that there is supposably a lot of ghosts that haunt these grounds. Legend has it that some Sioux Indians that have died are active here. There have even been reports of lights turning on and off by themselves and a young girl named Annie shows up every once and a while.
2. West Hills Orphanage in Owatonna
Many little kiddos that didn't have homes lived here. Many folks have mentioned that they have heard children laughing when there aren't any in the building, books flying off shelves or moving on their own and smell of cigar smoke even though no one is smoking.
3. St. James Hotel in Red Wing
This hotel has a unique story. First off, Clara Lillyblad lived in room 310 until she died and rumor has it she haunts that room. Also, at some point, there was a shipwreck in Lake Pepin that killed 98 people. The hotel became a make-shift morgue because they didn't have a place for the bodies. Those folks that passed away are thought to haunt the hotel.
4. Lakeview Cemetery in Buhl
Shaw Hospital was built near there and patients were treated for Tuberculosis and mental health issues at this hospital. A lot of the time these folks couldn't afford a proper burial after death, so they were put in Lakeview Cemetery. No graves were marked with headstones. They were marked with a cross that had a number on it. A ghost hunter was able to get a few ghosts having a conversation on tape.
5. Wendigo Territory in Roseau
Rumor has it that a 15-foot creator roams the land. Folks that have seen it says that it has antlers and a skeleton looking face. Legend has it the creator only appears when a loved one in your family has passed away.
6. Greyhound Bus Museum in Hibbing
The Museum is located right next to a cemetery. From the sounds of it, when ghost wants to go on a field trip, they head over to the Greyhound Bus Museum and mess with folks. There have been reports of windows going up and down by themselves and shadows appearing and disappearing.
7. Ferguson Cemetery in Norwood Young America
Some folks have reported seeing a boy peering around headstones. Others have reported orbs, and phantom dogs barking. I guess you will have to check it out for yourself.
8. Phelps Mill in Underwood
Back in the day, this was a full operating mill. Now it is a park, but folks have reported seeing mill workers walking around. There even was a person that said they felt a hand on their shoulder and when they turned around, nothing was there.
9. Anderson Hotel in Wabasha
Apparently one of the guests had jumped out the hotel window and killed herself after her husband didn't come back from fishing. She is known to leave dimes around the hostel to see if staff and guests find them. She's a nice ghost.
10. Calumet Inn in Pipestone
The building has burned down or had a fire in it multiple times. Each time it was restored. Guests and staff have reported seeing a well-dressed man roaming the hallways. Also, folks have heard piano music playing. But they say the most haunted room in the building is room 308.
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