The holidays are here...Here are a few thing to watch out for.

1. Holiday weight gain- try to eat lighter foods a few days before holiday meals and limit your alcohol intake

2. Choking- almost 3,000 people die in the U.S. a year from choking. take small bites and chew thoroughly this holiday season

3. Poisonous holiday plants- Keep the holly and mistletoe away from small kids and pets

4. Deep-fried-turkey fireballs- From 1998-2007 there were 138 incidents involving turkey fryers. 36 people were injured and $7.5 million in damage was done

5. Holiday heart attacks- Be sure to keep taking medication and don’t skip it due to the busyness of the holiday season, stress and heavy meals also lead to heart attacks

6. Flammable Christmas trees- Each year more than 400 fires are caused because of Christmas trees. the best option is a flame resistant artificial one

7. Toy horrors- About 6,000 people in the U.S. go to the E.R. each year because of injuries trying to open up packages

8. Seasonal car accidents- to avoid injuries while driving, where your seat belt, use a designated driver and avoid driving on Saturday morning due to tired or potentially drunk drivers

9. Sledding catastrophes- Sledding accidents result in 33,000 accidents a year. Make sure all equipment is in good working condition, do not sled around frozen lakes and go to an area that is free of trees, fences or rocks.

10. Sleep problems- Skipping on sleep to avoid holiday parties, traveling and jet lag can lead to a weakened immune system, increased stress and weight gain.

11. Decorating disasters- 5,000 people are hurt in decorating falls each year. Make sure the ladder is on stable ground and do not overreach.

12. Stress- 44% of women and 31% of men feel increased stress around the holidays. Don’t be afraid to ask for some help.

13. Holiday shopping- Drop items off at your car between trips to avoid carrying heavy bags which can cause back pain.

14. Food poisoning- About 48 million people are hospitalized each year due to food poisoning. Use separate cutting boards and dishes so bacteria can’t spread. Make sure ground meat is cooked to 160 degrees, chicken 165 degrees and whole meat like steak is cooked to 145 degrees.

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