3 Things You Need To Know About AIRGLOW
It's finally here! If you're excited to welcome winter, this is the best way to do it in Rochester.
When I first heard about AIRGLOW, like you, I asked: "uhh... what is it?" It's a special event put on by the Rochester Downtown Alliance that is running through this weekend on the Peace Plaza.
It's a giant 40ft inflatable igloo that lights up and plays music when you enter it!
My husband and I decided to check it out last night just as it lit up, and it was gorgeous. I took some polaroid shots of the occasion.
Wanna know more? Here are three things that you should know before you pay a visit to the Peace Plaza tonight.
- Credit: Thinkstock
Credit: Thinkstock 1It's FREE.
That's right! It's completely and totally FREE!
- ThinkStock
ThinkStock 2It's kid friendly.
It's getting darker earlier now, so after school you can take the kids over to see this "glow in the dark" igloo that's close to home!
It's open from 5PM-10PM, and completely kid friendly.
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It's going to include a Silent Disco this weekend.
Get ready for lots of crazy lights and dancing! A silent disco is happening "in the AIRGLOW" this weekend on the Peace Plaza!
You can score tickets to the party here.