7 Holiday Foods You Should NOT Feed Your Dog in Minnesota
The baking is never-ending. The party prep is always going on. Food is a big part of this time of year. Your Fido or Snoopy is constantly around your feet waiting for scraps to fall. Don't do it. Don't share your people food with your pooch. Especially these SEVEN HOLIDAY FOODS, according to pet food company tails.com.
I guess this one is a no-brainer. I've heard about it forever.
I couldn't have told you what a 'mince' pie' was until researching this story. Apparently, these are filled with dried fruits, which are not good for your dog.
The folks at tails.com write, "It's important to keep any leftovers out of reach from your pet, and extra important to not keep any leftovers in the fridge for any longer than 24 hours." Wait a second! I eat leftovers way older than two days!
These are not good for your dog. Good Grief! Considering your dog's breath, why would you possibly feed her garlic or onions?
This usually has dried fruit, or even alcohol. Both are no-no's for your pet.
Not really hazardous to your dog, but dogs could choke on them. And they are higher in fat than is ideal for your dog's diet.
We used to feed our dogs some skin from turkey or chicken. But this is too fatty for a regular diet for them. (And for us people too.) Bones can be a choking hazard or cause internal damage.