A Second Child Died Due to a House Fire in Minnesota
That tragic story of the house fire in Hibbing has gotten even worse...
I can't even begin to fathom this. Going to bed the day after gathering around the Christmas tree - one of, if not the happiest day of the year. Abruptly awaken up by a fire. Now this family has to go on without these people - two babies, a retired fire Captain and his wife. I can't imagine that kind of loss.
The fire broke out at the retired fire Captain's house early Tuesday morning, and at this point it's still unclear what caused the fire. Retired Capt. Steve Gilitzer immediately went into hero mode, and was successful in saving one of the three children.
Sadly, him and his wife died in the fire. While, two of the children, at the young ages of 8 and 3 lost their battle at the hospital. 8-year-old Jonathan is the sole survivor of the fire.
To help this family, you can donate on their Go-Fund-Me page.