Abandoned Kansas City Hospital, Millions in Equipment Left Behind
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
I will admit that I don't understand a lot of things, but how a facility like this can be abandoned for 20 years and still have millions of dollars of equipment inside is beyond me.
This is what remains of Trinity Lutheran Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri. Urban explorers shared this description of the building and what they found:
This hospital we explored today is called Trinity Lutheran Hospital. The hospital was open for close to a 100 years, before closing permanently in 2001. This hospital had a variety of cool features and we found plenty of stuff left behind. Including a morgue in the basement, lots of equipment, and a variety of other fascinating artifacts.
They find numerous rooms of equipment and also what appears to be a morgue.

Rooms and rooms of equipment left piled on top of other equipment. Such a waste.
It's hard to tell for sure, but this looks like part of an MRI machine which costs a fortune all by itself.
There is disagreement on YouTube about whether this is a morgue or possibly tables in an X-Ray room.
The team shared a part 2 of their investigation looking underneath the building.
The American Hospital Directory seems to confirm that the original hospital closed in 2001. From what I can gather, it looks like the facility may have merged with another hospital.
No matter the reason, an abandoned building like this with so much equipment remaining is a mystery to me. How many local clinics or small towns could use this equipment if it had been preserved?
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